Mico - Fiera Milano Congressi (106)
Semi-central , downtown Km 4 - auditorium 1,500 seats + 2 plenary room 4,000 + 2,000 seats + 70 meeting rooms 20 to 866 seats + sqm 54,000 pillars free expo area (or 4 conference rooms 4,000 seats each)- hiway km 2 - metro on site
Fiera Roma Conference Center (84)
Suburbs,city center 27 km - 12 meeting rooms 50 to 400 seats theatre - 1 pavillon sqm 7,000 = Main room 4,500 seats theatre - 1 auditorium 1,100 seats downstairs + 600 seats upstairs with foyer - catering area 7,000 sqm up to 4,000 seats - airport km 10
Vitrifrigo Arena (81)
Suburbs, downtown km 3 - total central arena 1,500 to 10,000 seats + 3 meeting rooms 200,400, 900 seats - press area 300 lines - hiway km 1 - main rail station km 3 - parking 2,500 cars - Rimini & airport km 38 - Ancona km 60 - hiway km 1
Riva del Garda Congress Center (79)
City Center - indoor expo area sqm 3,000 - 1 palameeting 2,700 sqm, 2,000 seats - 17 conference rooms 10 to 900 seats theatre - banquet 1,800 seats - Milan km 200 - Verona km 80 - nearby fairground sqm 40,000 - nearby 975 rooms 4* and 2,475 rooms 3* -
Palacongressi di Rimini (78)
Semi-central - 3 auditoria ( 6,000 - 4,000 - 4,000 seats theatre) + 5 meeting rooms 63 to 300 seats theatre, 56 to 150 school, 33 to 52 boardroom - 1 restaurant sqm 890 - available expo area sqm 4,800 - airport km 5 - hiway km 2 - rail station km 2
Palalottomatica Roma (78)
Suburbs - arena 10,500 seats (parterre only 1,000 seats) - 2 meeting rooms sqm 700/350 - panorama terrace sqm 2,400 - 1 restaurant 300 seats - indoor expo area sqm 3,500 (or 2,000 seats dinner) - outdoor expo area sqm 20,000 -
Ariston Centro Congressi (78)
City Center - 3 auditorium 2000/750/450 seats theatre
Teatro della Luna Milano (77)
Suburbs, downtown km 9 - plenary room 1,730 seats theatre style - sqm 800 stage -18 ancillary rooms - 1 nmeeting room 50 seats - nearby sqm 40,000 Mediolanum Forum - Milano Km 9 -
Palavela (77)
Suburbs - 8,250 seats arena w/ sqm 2,300 parterre + 1 meeting room 200 seats theatre -
Palasharp Milano (77)
Suburbs - 9,926 seats